A No-Nagging Solution for Screen Time Sanity
May 6, 2014 in Linen Closet
Yesterday when my kids walked in the door after school, they went straight to the TV. All 5 of them! No kisses for Mom. No telling me about their day. Not even a snack. Straight to the TV.
Please tell me I’m not the only one whose kids have days when they would rather watch a movie than download their day to Mom.
It’s not that we don’t have rules about screen time. They just choose to “forget” about them until I start nagging.
I hate nagging.
My expectations really aren’t a big mystery. The rules are the same every day. You finish your homework, jobs, and piano before you can turn on a screen. Simple.
The only exception is when you need to use the computer for your homework. Hey, I’m not completely unreasonable.
I don’t think I’m asking too much.
- Homework includes whatever the teacher assigned that day and reading for 20 minutes.
- Jobs include 1 kitchen job (like unloading the dishwasher or sweeping the kitchen floor), 1 daily job (like taking out the trash or cleaning a bathroom), and straightening their bedrooms (just a quick pick things up and put them away so it doesn’t get out of control).
- Piano practice is playing each song in their lesson assignment 3 times.
If they drag their feet and complain about it for awhile, it still takes less than an hour to get it all done – on the harder job days.
But it still doesn’t get done. Grrrr.
Have I mentioned that I really, really hate nagging?
So in an effort to avoid the nagging and still get what I want – and ultimately what is best for our family – I made this handy little sign.
It hangs next to the TV and the computer. Now all my little screen-addicted children need to do is ask themselves those 7 questions before they turn on those electronics and everyone is happy!
Well, mostly me. But some day they will thank me.
I’m sure of it.
Do you need to stop the screen time nagging, too? Just click on this link or the image above to get to the full printable version of my screen-time sign.
Do you have screen-time rules?